Friday, February 8, 2008

Rick Responds

Anonymous: 1)how did YOU get a girlfriend??
I do not know how I got a girlfriend. It has increased my faith in the sovereignty of God though.

Alex: 1) What do you do with cults on your campus? Do you help them become an established group on campus? What if they are very persistent?
Share the gospel with them. No you do not help them become established groups on campus. Share the gospel with them more and do what Chris said, pray against them.

2) What is your favorite book on evangelism?
I never read a book on evangelism but I think Stephan's is Tell it Often, Tell it Well.

3) What is the biggest challenge for Christian college students on campus?
I don't know...sin.

4) Any good new outreach ideas?

Pin the tail on the Willy

5) Should I take the internship?
Yes, refer to Traci's post below

6) How should I prank Will next? Any good ideas?
More pepper spray!

7) Who is your favorite pastor?
Mark Prater

Chris:1)What have you learned about girls, since being in a relationship (in order to help me serve Jenny better)?
Girls like trains.

2) Should I minor in Accounting and Finance, Finance and Philosophy, Accounting and Philosophy, just Finance, or just Accounting?
Accounting and Finance

Serious Questions:
1) Just how does he look so good all the time? It's a gift
2) How many people say they wish they were Richard Healey? 1...Jay Gomes
3) How often do you and Joseph forget the same things?
The better question is how often don't we forget the same thing.

Not so serious:
1) What the worst part about the internship? The best part?
Raising support...girlfriend, respectively.

Nathan: 1.Do you have any tips for freshman design? What to do, what not to do, what to worry about, etc.
Get a good team and good advisor, it makes all the difference in the world.

2.Also, can I get an extension on my homework assignment?


meg said...

good call on the favorite pastor...

Mom said...

who's your favorite pastor's wife?

Rick Healey said...

Whoever Mark Prater is married to ;)