So, there is this game played quite often at 3500 known as “The Settlers of Catan”. I’ve never played it. Ok, I lied. I have sort of played it, but I quit while we were still in the setup portion of the game.
Either way, I haven’t ever really played it. In fact, the last time I remember even touching the boxes was when I took pictures of them for this blog. My friends constantly tell me how much fun the game is. Will I ever succumb to their pressure? Who knows, but for now, I’ll just take their word for it, and enjoy more sanctifying games like Solitaire and Connect Four.
I don't like the game - personally I have never played it either. One might think, but you have to play it to give your opinion. Not this kid - Settlers is going down!
We should start a Settlers blog. Or at least periodically update people on who won the latest game. As of now, I'll just say that I'm the 3500 house champion until someone detrones me. In fact, now I'm the Drexel Cru champion. : )
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