Thursday, March 20, 2008

To Be Fair...

...There have been quite a few posts here on Tim Keller lately. So, I offer up for your consideration another article (from Team Pyro), which offers up some thoughts on Keller, apologetics, and Hell.

A quote:

In fact, I think the problem with apologetics today is that too much apologetics is too apologetic. Too often, we actually come across as if we're saying, "Yeah, sorry... but I do believe this. Sorry. I know it's lame. It's true for me. You don't have to believe, if you don't want to. That's cool. But there you have it. Uh... Sorry!"

Well, I'm not sorry, and I don't think it's lame. In fact, I think unbelief is lame. Or I wouldn't bother with this whole take-up-your-cross and deny-yourself business of walking after Jesus. And there you have it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tim Keller:
“Here’s what so misleading. If I say I’m speaking as a Reformed Protestant and I’m just going to defend Reformed Protestantism, 80 percent of what I’m going to say in that book will be defending a Catholic Christian’s faith, too. So why not admit that?”

Here we see Keller call the Catholic a Christian and attribute faith to them that is 80% the same as his. Maybe my math isn’t as good as my sister’s, but it would seem that justification, regeneration, baptism, God’s sovereignty, the afterlife, God’s decrees, the atonement of Jesus Christ, Sola Scriptura, authority, hermeneutics, communion, ordo salutis, election, predestination, the Fall, etc., would add up to a lot more than 20% of the faith. It sounds more accurate to say that 20% would represent a “Catholic Christian’s” faith too.